Gingival Therapy

Children, like adults, are susceptible to gum disease. Often, the first sign of gingival disease is inflammation or bleeding gums. This condition is completely reversible. However, if left untreated, this condition can progress and lead to destruction of the bone and other supporting tissues of the teeth resulting in tooth loss.

The most effective method to reverse inflammation and bleeding gums is more frequent professional cleaning of the teeth and the reinforcement of proper oral hygiene habits. At each evaluation and professional cleaning, the health of the soft tissues are assessed for the presence of gingival disease.

If necessary, Dr. Vela or a member of the hygiene team may recommend your child participate in a gingival therapy program to return the soft tissues to a healthy state.



Gingival Therapy

Children, like adults, are susceptible to gum disease. Often, the first sign of gingival disease is inflammation or bleeding gums.

Early Ortho Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment and guidance of facial growth and development may benefit numerous children.

Remineralization Therapy

Conscious sedation uses medications to help young, anxious or fearful children

Sedation Dentistry

Conscious sedation uses medications to help young, anxious or fearful children

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