Sedation Dentistry

Conscious sedation uses medications to help young, anxious or fearful children and those with special needs to cope with fear and anxiety and cooperate for necessary dental treatment. This can help prevent injury to your child from excessive movement and promote a better environment to provide quality care.

Conscious sedation is safe when administered by a trained pediatric dentist who follows the sedation guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

In the event that your child requires conscious sedation, Dr. Vela and his team will discuss sedation options, appropriate medications, patient monitoring, benefits and risks, as well as any specific instructions for the protection of your child. For your child’s safety, it is especially important to contact the office with any changes in health status and follow fasting instructions from fluids and foods prior to your child’s sedation visit.

After your child’s visit, Dr. Vela and his team will discuss specific post-sedation instructions with you. Children who have been sedated are requested to remain home the remainder of the day with adult supervision.

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